
The initiative is named after Judy Heumann, widely regarded as the mother of the disability rights movement. The initiative is committed to fostering positive change for individuals with disabilities in Armenia and Moldova. 

Judy Heumann dedicated her life to advocating for the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities. Throughout her career, Heumann championed numerous initiatives aimed at advancing disability rights on a global scale. From her role as a leader in the Section 504 sit in, a groundbreaking protest that led to the implementation of disability rights legislation in the United States, to her advocacy work at the international level as a Special Advisor on Disability Rights for the U.S. Department of State, Heumann consistently fought for equality, accessibility, and inclusion. 

Through strategic collaborations and innovative programs, the Judy Initiative aims to build upon Heumann’s legacy by promoting the rights of persons with disabilities and advocating for greater inclusivity in all facets of society.